Diagnostic Imaging & Radiology in San Juan County
Safe & Efficient Radiology Services
Blue Mountain Hospital's Radiology Department provides a wide variety of radiology services, including a state-of-the-art multi-slice CT scanner and Selenia Dimensions 3D Mammography Machine. Blue Mountain Hospital also features Digital X-Ray, Ultrasound, and a Mobile MRI unit.
Members of Blue Mountain Hospital's experienced Radiology staff are all Board Certified, insuring our patients receive the highest quality medical care possible. Most procedures are available on an emergent basis 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some specialized exams require an appointment. Patients with a valid provider's order can come to Blue Mountain Hospital, and have their exams done close to home, saving them time and the expense of traveling to another location to do the same exams.
Scheduling A Radiology Appointment
To make a Radiology appointment, to cancel an appointment, or to speak with one of our highly trained Radiology staff, call the Blue Mountain Hospital Reception Desk at 435-678-3993. When you call, please have your referral forms/physician's orders and your insurance information ready.
Instructions & Preparation For A Radiology Examinations
What do I need to do if I have a Routine X-ray exam scheduled?
For most routine x-ray exams there is not much preparation required. Patients may be asked to remove items that have metal in them such as jewelry, keys, watches, etc.
What do I need to do if I have an Ultrasound scheduled?
Patients must have a full bladder at the time of the exam for any type of OB, Renal, or Pelvic Ultrasound.
Patients must not have anything to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to any type of ABD/gallbladder or pancreatic exam.
For any type of extremity or vascular exam no preparation is required.
What do I need to do if I have a CT scan Scheduled?
Patients who are having any type of abdominal scan must not eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior to the exam with exception of the Barium contrast given 2 hours prior to the exam by the radiology department.
Some simple lab tests must also be performed prior to any contrast-enhanced exam. These tests are to check kidney function and may be performed up to two weeks in advance of the CT scan. There is no preparation required for non-contrast enhanced exams.
How do I get the results from my imaging exams?
The results of the exams performed at the Blue Mountain hospital Radiology department are sent to the Medical Provider that ordered them. A patient will need to follow up with that provider and their staff to obtain these results.
Can I take my films to another provider for another opinion or continued care?
Yes, a patient can come in and get a copy of their films to take to another provider. There is a release of medical records form that must be filled out and signed by the patient before the records can be released.
Are my exams printed out on film or some other way?
Blue Mountain Hospital utilizes Digital Imaging Technology and your images will be put on a compact disc that can be viewed via computer.